Dear Parents:
Greetings! I would like to
personally welcome you to Duluth Bible Church (DBC) and our Sunday
School. I consider it a privilege, as pastor of this church, to offer
this opportunity to your children.
Our well trained and caring staff desires
to teach your children the precious truths of God’s Word. Our object is to
communicate God’s saving message of the Gospel of Christ so that children
would place their faith in Him as their Savior.
Children who already have trusted Christ
personally are then taught God’s Word in a clear and practical manner, in
order that they might spiritually grow and serve the Lord with their
lives. All of this is designed to complement Christian parents in their
desire to train up their children in the nurture and admonition of the
Lord (Ephesians 6:4).
I believe that availing your family to our
Sunday School ministries each week would be a wise investment of time in
light of eternity. If you have any questions, please feel free to call
Darrell Patterson (Sunday School Superintendent) or myself at 724-5914.
Pastor-teacher Dennis Rokser
“And that from a child thou has known
the holy scriptures,
which are able to make thee wise unto
through faith which is in Christ
2 Timothy 3:15
Sunday School Objective
Getting Ready For The 3/4 Year & 5/K Class
Parental Involvement
1st-6th Grade
Junior Church
1st-6th Grade Point System
D.V.B.S. & Bible Camp
Christmas Program
Yearly Curriculum
3 & 4 Year Old Class
5 & K Class
1st & 2nd Grade
3rd & 4th Grade
5th & 6th Grade
Closing Encouragement
Sunday School Objective
“Why Do We Have a Sunday School?”
The Word of
God clearly teaches that children need to know about salvation through
Jesus Christ. Also, children are capable of learning the Scriptures,
which encourages spiritual growth in the life of the saved child.
We at the Duluth Bible Church understand
that the primary responsibility of the training process for each child
belongs to the parents (Deuteronomy 6:6-7, Ephesians 6:4). Because
of this, we believe the home and church should complement each other, not
compete with each other.
In order to more effectively accomplish
this, we have a structured Sunday School which provides each age group an
opportunity to hear God’s Word.
The classes are broken up as follows:
3 and 4 Year Olds
5 and Kindergarten
1st and 2nd Grade
3rd and 4th Grade
5th and 6th Grade
The lessons in each class are taught in a
two-year cycle. A general description of each quarter is explained in
this handbook.
Included in each lesson every Sunday is
the Gospel. Since sound doctrine has as its standard the Gospel of grace
(1 Timothy 1:5-16), your child will hear the good news every Sunday
morning, “How that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
and that He was buried, and that He arose again the third day according to
the scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).
Getting Ready for the 3 and 4 & 5 and K Class
“What Can I as a Parent do
to Prepare my Child for Sunday School?”
1. Practice with your child to sit and
listen to stories for short time periods.
2. Demonstrate and role-play raising
hand and waiting to be called on to speak.
3. Having your child potty trained is
not necessary but is extremely helpful. The 3 and 4-year-old class
teachers keep diapers in the room and will change them once during class
4. Practice singing songs at home. You
may obtain a list of songs from the teacher.
5. Do not let your child bring toys or
wear distracting jewelry, bows or ribbons.
6. Inform teachers of
any special physical needs, allergies or learning disabilities.
7. Be sure your child is well rested and
has had breakfast.
8. An offering is taken each Sunday.
This offering is optional and the children are told this money is for the
Lord and is used to buy our Sunday School materials.
9. Please have your child use the
bathroom before class.
10. We encourage you to talk with the
teachers about how your child is doing in class. Please ask the teacher
when the most appropriate time would be.
11. In the 5 and K class, your child
should have a Bible, though it is not necessary. However, they will be
rewarded for remembering to bring it.
12. Especially for the 5 and K class, it
would be helpful if your child could practice cutting with scissors.
“When Do The Children Move Up To The
Next Class?”
First, the children will move
out of the Nursery and into the 3 and 4 year old class as soon as they
turn 3, or some time after if the parents feel the child is not yet ready
for Sunday School. Also, the teachers prefer to have the children wait
until a new unit, rather than immediately after their birthday.
Next, as soon as a child turns 5, s/he
will move into the 5 and K class. Sometimes the teachers prefer that the
child wait until the start of a new unit.
Grades K, 2, 4 and 6 will move up a grade
in the Fall. The Kindergartners will go into the 1st and 2nd grade class,
2nd graders will go into the 3rd and 4th grade class, 4th graders will go
into the 5th and 6th grade class, and the 6th graders will go into the Jr.
and Sr. High class that meet on Wednesday nights.
Graduation Day (or “Promotion Sunday”)
will be announced in advanced in our bulletin and your child will be
notified as well.
Parental Involvement
“How Can I As A Parent Be Involved?”
1. Please take time to read the
parent/teacher letters that will be sent home each quarter with your
child. If your child misses this letter, please ask the teacher for one.
2. Talk with your child’s teacher to see
how s/he is doing. Be sure to check with the teacher(s) to determine the
most appropriate time to speak with them.
3. Work with your child on memorizing
verses and encourage them to bring their Bible to class. We use the King
James version and expect word perfect for the memory verses.
4. Discuss lessons at home to help your
child review the material.
5. Teachers are often looking for
volunteers to help decorate the bulletin boards.
6. Junior Church staff would like
volunteers to help make new picture songs at times.
7. Every year volunteers are needed at
Daily Vacation Bible School, Bible Camp and with the Christmas Program.
8. The 3 and 4 year old and 5 and K
class teachers appreciate if parents bring snacks. The snack generally
ties in with the theme of the story. See the teacher for more details.
9. Pray that your child behaves
appropriately and begins to learn the precious truths of God’s Word.
10. Pray for your child’s teachers, that
they would have wisdom and that they are filled with the Spirit.
1st - 6th Grade Sunday School
What Is A Typical Sunday Morning Like?
First of all, all boys and girls in grades
1-6 attend Jr. Church from 9:15 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. They are to bring
their coats, mittens, pencils, notebook, etc. to their classroom before
going to Jr. Church. They should bring their Bibles to Jr. Church.
Secondly, the 1st-6th grade students will
be given the same break as the adults from 10:15-10:30. They are
encouraged to get a drink and use the bathroom during this time so we do
not have children going during the class time. They will go to their
classrooms at the same time when the adults are signaled to go to the
Finally, the boys and girls are dismissed
from the classroom after the parents leave the auditorium at the
conclusion of the 10:30 a.m. adult service.
Junior Church
“What Happens In Junior Church?”
Junior Church is a time on Sunday morning
from 9:15-10:15 a.m. when the 1st - 6th graders meet together for a time
of singing, praying, offering and hear a story. This is an excellent
opportunity for your child to learn doctrinally sound Bible songs and hear
encouraging missionary stories.
At 10:15 the Junior Church is dismissed
and we encourage them to go outside (weather permitting) and take a
15-minute break (at which time they should also be using the bathroom).
1st Through 6th Grade Point System
“How Does The Point System Work?”
The Bible states that though eternal
salvation is a free gift of God’s grace (Ephesians 2:8-9), believers in
Christ may obtain rewards in heaven since “every man shall receive his
own reward according to his own labor” (1 Corinthians 3:8). As a way
to reinforce this truth with our Sunday School students, we have set up a
point system to reward them for their faithfulness.
Every student receives 1 point for showing
up prepared. For the 1st graders, this means having their
Bibles. They receive 2 points for memorizing a verse. You should receive
a "Parent Letter" at the beginning of each quarter (please ask your
child’s teacher for a letter if you did not receive one). The letter will
include the memorization verses for that quarter. They are encouraged to
memorize at least one verse a week. There are also extra credit verses
worth 2 points each. The students can only earn 2 points per verse. They
are not allowed to repeat a verse each week to earn additional points.
These points are then converted into
Bookstore dollars and can be spent on whatever the student would like.
Each quarter the dollar totals are posted in the classrooms. If your
child would like to spend their Bookstore dollars, you may bring them to
the Bookstore and have them pick something out. They can spend some of or
all of their credit. If the students want an item that is more than their
available credit, they can pay for the difference with their own money.
Thy word have I
hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.
Psalm 119:11
Other Events
“What Other Events Are There
That I Should Know About?”
During the year there are
other activities that are not directly related to Sunday School but are
designed to teach the children and also provide some fun activities with
other children from our church.
Daily Vacation Bible School (DVBS)
Every summer our church hosts
a week long DVBS. The school is usually the third week of July. Monday
through Friday and runs from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. each day, with a
Friday night program at 7:00 p.m. DVBS is open to all children age 4 to
grade 12. Please feel free to bring friends, relatives, and neighbors.
There is no charge for DVBS.
Bible Camps
Another very popular activity during the
months of July and August is Bible Camp. Every summer Heritage Trail
Bible Church sponsors three Bible Camps: ages 8-10, 11-13, and 14 and
up. The Bible Camps are at the 4H Camp on Lake Eshquagama, about four
miles south of Biwabik, in northern Minnesota. At Bible Camp, your child
will hear missionary stories, learn Bible lessons, memorize verses, swim
and play games. It is the highlight of many children’s summer. Each camp
session runs for five days and there is a minimal charge to cover
Christmas Program
Every year at Christmas time the Sunday
School students present the Christmas story via a program. See page 11
for more details concerning this program.
Flyers with additional information will be available for each event a few
weeks prior.
Christmas Program
“Does DBC Have a Christmas Program?”
Every year our church has a special
program as a means to explain the true meaning of Christmas and to provide
an opportunity for the kids to invite family and friends to hear the Good
The Christmas program includes songs,
verses, readings, skits and a message by Pastor Rokser. Again, the
primary purpose is to present the biblical Christmas story and the Gospel.
Since all grades are involved
in the program, we urge you to work with your children to memorize their
special parts and help them learn the songs. Teachers will provide each
student with a copy of the songs and speaking parts. Also, there is a
practice the Saturday morning prior to the program. This is a very
important practice, which we encourage every child to attend.
Also, the Junior Church practices for the
program on Sunday morning at 9:15 a.m. during the month of November and
the first two weeks of December. Children who do not attend these
practices will not be able to participate in the program. Though you
should be coming throughout the year to hear the Word of God at this time,
we want to especially encourage you to have your child(ren) at these
Another way that parents can
get involved is by helping out with costumes and scenery. If you would
like to be part of this ministry, please contact Darrell Patterson.
3 & 4 Year Old Class
Year 1
Fall Quarter
We will begin the quarter by studying how
God established the family unit and how it is an important part of his
holy plan.
The second part of the quarter we study
about David’s friendship with God.
The final lessons in this quarter focus on
being thankful, first to God, then for those who are used by God.
Spring Quarter
The Spring quarter starts out with lessons
that teach the Deity of Jesus by the miracles he performed.
Next, the students will learn that our
love to Jesus is shown by our actions.
Our lessons lead us from childhood to
responsible church leadership in the life of Timothy.
Winter Quarter
The first unit centers on praising God and different ways praise was given
to God for the birth of Christ.
We will learn how Jesus grew physically,
mentally, socially and spiritually. The children will learn how they can
grow in ways to please Jesus.
In this final unit we focus on ways Jesus
showed his love toward us.
Summer Quarter
The final quarter of this year begins with lessons about how God made the
world and everything on it. He is powerful and can do anything.
We will also learn that each child is
special and unique and God loves us all.
Finally, we will learn how Noah obeyed
God’s Word, and that God keeps his promises.
3 & 4 Year Old
Year 2
Fall Quarter
The second year begins with a unit on the
importance of prayer as seen in the lives of Hannah and Samuel.
We will also study the life of David and
see how God helps us throughout our lives.
Finally, we will learn about being
thankful. We will study the life of Elijah, and discuss how God provides
for many of our needs.
Spring Quarter
We begin the Spring quarter by looking at
various accounts of people who met Jesus while He was here on earth.
The second unit begins with the events
leading up to the crucifixion and ends with our Savior’s return to Heaven.
Next, we learn how we are new creatures in
Winter Quarter
Heading into the Christmas season, we
began this quarter with the angels visit to Mary and conclude with Jesus’
family returning to Nazareth from Egypt.
Next, we will study about Jesus’ earthly
ministry and learn about the stories He told. We will look at four
parables and how they apply to our daily lives.
Summer Quarter
We will be reviewing some Old Testament
stories like creation and people who trusted God.
During the next two units this quarter, we
will study the life of Moses from his birth to the Israelites journey into
the Promised Land. We will see how Moses was a faithful servant of God as
he led the Israelites out of Egypt.
Fall Quarter
We will begin this fall quarter with a
study of Abraham and the birth of his son Isaac.
Next, we will study the life and times of
Jacob from his birth to his reunion with Esau.
The last unit is a study of Jacob’s son,
Joseph. We will trace the physical and spiritual growth of Joseph, another
“man of faith.”
Spring Quarter
As we continue the life of our Lord Jesus
Christ, we will learn about the events that led to His crucifixion.
Following His death, we will study about
the importance of His resurrection. He now lives for us!
Concluding the quarter is a series of
lessons that deal with the adventures of the early church.
Winter Quarter
We will introduce Joseph, Mary, Jesus &
the Shepherds to the class.
The second unit covers the growth and
teaching of Jesus. “Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor
with God and man: (Luke 2:52).
The final lessons center on how Christ
demonstrated His Deity by performing miracles.
Summer Quarter
This quarter we begin a series of lessons
on Moses’ life. We will learn how to walk by faith and see God’s
We will also see how God dealt with
Pharaoh using the 10 plagues.
God’s power and provision will also be
taught as we follow the Israelites in their exodus out of Egypt.
Fall Quarter
Following the giving of the Ten
Commandments by God, the Israelites continue their wilderness wanderings.
We will continue our OT study by looking
into the life of Joshua and his leading of the Israelites through the land
of Canaan.
Lastly we will learn about some of the
Judges who were used by God to bring unity to the scattered tribes.
Spring Quarter
During the Easter season, we will be
learning about Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, the Last Supper, His trial and
Next, we will study some events in the
lives of Stephen, Philip, Dorcus & Peter. They were God’s helpers in the
building of the early church.
The final lessons are related to the life
of Paul, starting with his conversion.
Winter Quarter
Our Christmas unit will focus on the Bible
characters and historical events, which set the stage for the birth of our
Next, we will study the teachings of Jesus
as set forth in His earthly ministry. We will examine some of His
The students will learn how to apply the
truths of the parables to everyday life.
Summer Quarter
We will study the six days of creation
during the first unit.
Then we will see how sin entered the world
and caused trouble for all mankind.
Our final lesson this quarter centers on
how God judges man’s sin. We will focus on the story of Noah and the
story of Babble.
Fall Quarter
The lessons this first quarter center
around three OT kings. First, we will see how Saul refuses to obey God
and reaps death.
Then we will look at the life of David and
how he sowed seeds of righteousness.
The last section is given over to the
study of Solomon. He was a wise king most of his life.
Spring Quarter
We will continue our study of the life of
Jesus. We will see how He interacted with Nicodemus, Simon, Zacchaeus and
the rich young ruler.
Next, our study of Jesus’ earthly ministry
concludes with his death, burial and resurrection.
We close the quarter with four lessons on
the events surrounding the life of the apostle Peter.
Winter Quarter
The first four lessons focus on God’s
special plan to save man from sin’s penalty of death. The Christmas story
is told as we look at that special gift of eternal life that comes through
Jesus Christ.
The remainder of the quarter is a study of
Jesus’ earthly ministry. How He healed the sick and used it as an
opportunity to spread the Good News.
Summer Quarter
There are some Old Testament stories that
teach how pride will lead to trouble. We will see this in the life of
Solomon, Rehoboam and Jehoshaphat.
The rest of the quarter is a study of the
life and times of Elijah. Throughout our study we will see that Elijah
was known as a man of effectual and fervent prayer.
Fall Quarter
The beginning lessons of this quarter
answer the question, “What is sin and where did it come from?” We will see
how Lucifer sinned before creation.
The rest of the quarter is an in depth
look at how God created the heavens and the earth. We will learn how He
made the creatures including man and woman.
Spring Quarter
This quarter is packed full of lessons
that address some practical doctrines for the Christian life.
God wants us to be doers of the Word and
not hearers only. We learn what it means to walk with the Lord.
We will also look at the importance of
prayer and the example of young Daniel’s faithfulness.
Winter Quarter
Following the creation of man, we will see how he became a sinner. We will
also study the Good News of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion.
We hope to impress upon the children’s’
mind that the inerrant, divinely inspired scriptures are to be respected
and obeyed.
Finally, we will see the importance of the
Holy Spirit’s role in helping us understand the Bible.
Summer Quarter
This has often been quoted as one of the
students’ favorite and most memorable quarters.
The entire quarter is given over to the
study of the OT book of Esther.
We will learn of Haman’s hatred of the
Jews, Mordecai’s obedience to God and Esther’s promotion to queen as she
looks to God.
Fall Quarter
This quarter begins a three-part study of
God’s attributes. We will discuss how God is Sovereign, Righteous, Just
and Love.
We will look at various Bible characters
and how God’s attributes affected them.
We will also have a Thanksgiving lesson
showing how Daniel gave thanks to the Lord.
Spring Quarter
The final three attributes we will examine
are Omnipotence, Immutability and Veracity.
Again, we will see God’s attributes on
display through the eyes of several OT Bible characters.
We will also have a lesson on “The Risen
Savior” during the Easter holiday.
Winter Quarter
We continue to examine the God’s
attributes through the eyes of various Old Testament believers.
The attributes we will study include
Eternal Life, Omniscience, and Omni-presence.
We will also include a Christmas lesson with the wise men following the
Star. Also, the children are involved with a Christmas Program.
Summer Quarter
These lessons teach various truths using
animals as our teachers.
God proves his love and care for us
through using a donkey and a raven.
Various lessons on being content, obedient
and being useful for the Lord are also taught again with the use of
Fall Quarter
During the first three quarters we will
look at the three members of the Trinity. We start with God the Father as
the planner of creation and salvation. We will also learn about His
relationship as the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ and all believers.
The second half begins to look at God the
Son. We see how He is the unique God-man as well as the mediator between
God and man.
Spring Quarter
This entire quarter focuses on the person
and ministry of God the Holy Spirit.
We start with His role in the OT and how
it contrasts with His NT indwelling of the believer.
Lessons include His role in the
regeneration, and the indwelling and filling by God the Holy Spirit.
Winter Quarter
This entire quarter is devoted to God the
Son. During the first half, we will learn about His mission and His
death, burial and resurrection.
We continue the lessons by looking at His
ascension into heaven and how He continues to pray for us.
The last two lessons focus on the rapture and His second coming.
Summer Quarter
This quarter emphasizes the importance of
God’s Word. We begin with the origin and truthfulness of the Bible.
We see our sinful condition and God’s
solution as set forth in the scriptures.
Throughout the quarter, we will see the
practical application and the eternal nature of His Word.
Fall Quarter
This quarter will be the beginning of a
year long study on the life of Moses and the Tabernacle. We will study in
detail Exodus and parts of Numbers. Then we will explore the many
practical principles that apply to the believer.
Beginning with the birth of Moses until
his death, we will see how God works in the lives of His people.
Spring Quarter
The study of Moses’ life will come to an
end this quarter. Half way through the quarter, after the death of Moses,
we will have a special Easter Lesson.
The second half of this quarter will be
the beginning of the Tabernacle study. We will study the Tabernacle in
detail and learn how it pictures many truths related to the Christian
Winter Quarter
During the Winter Quarter, we will
continue to study the life of Moses. The scripture we will cover is
Exodus 15 to 34. This portion of scripture describes how God tested the
Israelites’ faithfulness.
Also, there will be a lesson on the
Christmas Story this quarter, as well as practice times for the Christmas
Summer Quarter
We will conclude our study of the
Tabernacle during the Summer. We will examine the Holy Place and the Most
Holy Place as well as each separate piece of furniture in detail.
The students will also be involved in
assembling a scale model of the Tabernacle in the classroom. Please come
and see the finished product.
Fall Quarter
is the first of four quarters entitled "The Christian Way of Life."
We will cover topics like the old sin
nature, filling of the Spirit, divine discipline, and Christian suffering.
We will also be having a Thanksgiving
Spring Quarter
This quarter will we study the Lord's
Supper, Christian giving, the armor of God, death, and rewards.
These are excellent studies apply only to
the believer. However the Gospel is presented every Sunday.
The Easter Lesson will focus on the
Winter Quarter
As we continue to study Christian way of
life, we will cover topics like: faith-rest, witnessing, Baptism of the
Spirit, the local & universal church, and ritual baptism.
Like every year at this time, we’ll have a Christmas Lesson and study the
story of how God sent his only begotten Son to take our place on the
Summer Quarter
We will study how the believer is to have
a changed mental attitude towards the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We will also spend time looking at how a
believer should pray and the hindrances to prayer.
There will be a general review session at the conclusion of the quarter.
A Final Encouragement And Challenge
"Is All This Really That Important?"
Having read this Sunday School Handbook, you
may either be impressed with the tremendous value and blessing that a Bible
teaching Sunday School can be, or may not be taking this opportunity for
spiritual training all that seriously yet.
Certainly for the most part, a Sunday School
will not normally over-ride the home when it comes to influence. However,
it can indeed complement the day-to-day spiritual training that is occurring
in your home.
Do take God's Word seriously! And do avail
yourself to this excellent means of further cementing God's Word in the
hearts and minds of your precious children. It can make a tremendous
difference on whether the next generation will be a spiritual blow-out or a
spiritual blessing. Which will it be in your home and in our church?
Hear, O Israel: The
LORD our God is one LORD: And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all
thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these
words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou
shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when
thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou
liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign
upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes. And
thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.
(Deut. 6:4-9)