Since Christ came “to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10), it should be the heartbeat and passion of every believer to be graciously used by God to reach the lost via the Gospel of grace.  Because of this, Duluth Bible Church spearheaded its second missions trip in less than 6 months to the economically-depressed, earthquake-ravaged, spiritually-blinded people of El Salvador.  From March 26 – April 2, eight believers (Pastor Dennis Rokser, Edgardo Carranza, Monica Kasari, Lisa Crosby, Joan Wainer – from Duluth Bible Church; Dan Mosher – from Grace Gospel Church of Minneapolis; Pastor Peter Tranvik – from Clarissa Bible Church; and Bert Spaeth – from Heritage Trail Bible Church, McKinley, MN) were enabled by God the Holy Spirit to be involved in an intense week of ministry to the saved and unsaved alike.


                         Objectives                                                                                       Means

1.       Influence pastors with the truths of GRACE… via… Pastor Conference in San Miguel teaching Rom. 1-8/ personal contact & follow-up / distribution of materials / access to correspondence courses / preaching in the churches.


2.       Spread the GOSPEL… via… Children Bible Classes / Adult Evangelistic Outreach in San Vicente, distribution of tracts / personal witnessing.


The teaching of the God’s grace at the Pastors Conference (Tuesday-Friday noon) was well received by the 20 plus men that attended.  God used His Word to clarify the Gospel, to establish them in the truth of eternal security, to distinguish in their thinking key biblical concepts, to introduce positional/identification truth to them, and to emphasize that “the just shall live by faith.”  A number of those who attended expressed how personally encouraged and -liberated they now were from legalism.  We were also able to give to each attendee a number of sound Spanish materials for their edification and ministry (“The Gospel;” “Eternal Security;” “Promises of God;” “Salvation” by L. S. Chafer; “Principles of Spiritual Growth” by M. J. Stanford; and “Romans: Verse by Verse” by Wm. R. Newell).


On Friday we traveled to earthquake-damaged San Vicente to visit saved friends and preach the Gospel to the lost.  Preaching in the Central Park, Bible Clubs for the children, personal evangelism, and tract distribution resulted in several sinners placing their trust in the Saviour.  Sunday was filled with singing specials, giving testimonies, and preaching the Word of God in 3 evangelical churches.  Also, because of the generous giving of believers, we were able to give a number of pastors and needy people around $5,000 to help those in physical need in El Salvador.  Thus, over 2000 people were directly ministered to spiritually and physically on this missions trip.  Thank you for your prayers, personal support, and generous giving to make all of this possible.  To God be the glory, great things He has done!