Several years ago a student at a
Christian college in a major mid-western city was reading the Sermon on the
Mount. This pious young man came across Matt. 5:29 ("if your right eye
offends you, pluck it out").
His understanding of Greek was that because this was a first class
condition, it meant since. And, obedient to Scripture, he proceeded to
gouge his eye with a screwdriver! The
young man survived the attack, but lost his eye.[1]
This crude story illustrates in a dramatic way the seriousness of knowing well the biblical languages. One of the most popular errors preached in our pulpits today starts out something like this: "In Greek, this is a first class condition. It really needs to be translated 'since.'" It is probably no exaggeration to say that countless thousands of preachers have opened with a line like that when expounding on some passage. Every year in first year Greek, when I ask whether the students had heard such a line from the pulpit, I get an almost universally positive response. The few who had not were almost always newer believers.
motivation, in part, for such a view is simply that in several passages it is
self-evident that the author believes the argument that he is making when he
states it with the first class condition. Thus, for example, in 1 Cor. 15:44
Paul declares "If there is a physical body, there is also a spiritual
[body]" [eij e;stin sw/ma yuciko,n( e;stin kai.
pneumatiko,n]. It is obvious that Paul believes
in the existence of a physical body. Hence, many are prompted to translate this
conditional particle as "since.”
Or take 1 Thess. 4:14 as an example: "For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with him those who are asleep through Jesus.” Again, it is self-evident that Paul believes the protasis of the condition to be true. So why not translate it "since" as the NRSV does? The NIV here is even stronger: "We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him." First John 4:11 also seems to fit this: "Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another." Who would dispute John's belief that God has loved us? Again the NRSV reads "since" as does the NIV. Cf. also the NIV in the following texts: 2 Cor. 5:3; Gal. 4:7; 5:25; Eph. 4:21 ("surely"); Col. 2:20; 3:1; 1 Pet. 1:17; 2:3; 1 John 4:11. We will soon suggest that every one of these passages has been overtranslated.
On the one hand, it is an overly-facile
and naive assumption that first class conditions mean "since."[2] Further, such a translation will wreak havoc
with numerous passages. Note some of
the following absurdities (which Prof. C. F. D. Moule would call
"howlers"), if the first class condition were translated
12:27 Since I cast out demons by
Beelzebul, by whom do your sons cast them out?
17:4 Lord, it is good for us to be
here. Since you wish, I will make three tents here…
26:39 My Father, since it is possible,
let this cup pass from me…
11:18 Since Satan is also divided
against himself; how will his kingdom stand?
22:42 Father, since you are willing,
remove this cup from me…
10:37 Since I am not doing the works of
my Father, do not believe me…
Acts 25:11 Now since I am wrong and have committed a deed worthy of death, I am not refusing to die…
Rom. 4:2 For since Abraham was justified by works, he has a basis for boasting…
Rom. 4:14 For since those who follow the law are heirs, faith is canceled out and the promise is voided.
1 Cor.
7:9 But since they are not exercising
self-control, they should get married.
1 Cor.
8:13 Since food causes my brother to
stumble, I will never eat meat…
Cor 9:17 For since I do this willingly, I have a reward; but since
I do it unwillingly, I have been entrusted with a stewardship.
1 Cor.
11:6 For since a woman will not veil
herself; she should cut off her hair…
1 Cor.
15:13 Now since there is no
resurrection from the dead, neither has Christ been raised.
1 Cor.
15:19 Since in this life we have hoped
in Christ, we are of all people most miserable.
1 Cor.
15:32 Since the dead are not raised,
"let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die."
2:21 For since justification comes
through the law, then Christ died for nothing.
3:18 For since the inheritance is from
the law, it is no longer from the promise.
5:11 Now brothers, since I am still
preaching circumcision, why am still being persecuted?
9:13 For since the blood of goats and
bulls… sanctifies those who have been defiled.
Heb. 12:8 Since you are without
the discipline which all children share, then you are illegitimate and not
Jas. 2:11 Now since you do not
commit adultery, but since you murder, you have become a transgressor of the
I have supplied several verses to show
that this is not an isolated phenomenon. To see the first class condition as
meaning "since” is saying too much. For one thing, this view assumes a
direct correspondence between language and reality, to the effect that the
indicative mood is the mood of fact. For another, this view is demonstrably
false for conditional statements: in apparently only 37% of the instances, according
to J. L. Boyer , is there a correspondence to reality (to the effect that the
condition could be translated since ).
So much for the "since"
view. But the pendulum has swung too
far in another direction. Because of
the compelling evidence that the first class condition does not always
correspond to reality, some scholars have assumed that it is just a simple
condition. This view goes back to a
classical scholar, W. W. Goodwin: "When the protasis simply states a
particular supposition, implying nothing as to the fulfillment of the
condition, it has the indicative with eij.”3 The first class condition, in this view, is
sometimes called the "simple condition," "condition of logical
connection," or "neutral condition." One might call this the
"undefined condition" in that nothing can be said about the reality
of the supposition.
But this view says too little. At bottom, it assumes a point of
meaning for a syntactical structure, ignores the mood used (the indicative
means something),4 and
makes no distinction between the various conditions.5
All conditions can be said to make a logical connection between the two
halves (e.g., the third class condition in Mark 8:3 –
eva.n avpolu,sw auvtou.j nh,steij eivj oi=kon auvtw/n(
evkluqh,sontai evn th/| o`dw ["If
I send them to their homes starving, they will faint on the way"]). This is the nature of conditions in general,
not just the first class condition. The
question is not how little the first class condition says, but how much. What are its distinctives?6
The force of the indicative mood, when
properly understood, lends itself to the notion of presentation of
reality. In the first class condition
the conditional particle turns such a presentation into a supposition. This does not mean that the condition
is true or means since! But it
does mean that as far as the portrayal is concerned, the point of the argument
is based on the assumption of reality.
examples will be provided to demonstrate this point. But three points need to
be added.
First, even in places where the
argument is apparently believed by the speaker, the particle eij
should not be translated since. Greek
had several words for since, and the NT writers were not opposed to using
them (e.g., ejpei, ejpeidh). There is great rhetorical power in if.
To translate eij
as since is to turn an invitation to dialogue into a lecture.7
Often the idea seems to be an encouragement to respond, in which the
author attempts to get his audience to come to the conclusion of the apodosis
(since they already agree with him on the protasis). It thus functions as a tool of persuasion. Note some of the illustrations below that
demonstrate this point.8
Second, how can we tell whether a
speaker would actually affirm the truth of the protasis? Context, of course, is the key, but a
good rule of thumb is to note the apodosis: Does the logic cohere if both
protasis and apodosis are true? Often
when a question is asked in the apodosis, the author does not embrace the truth
of the protasis. These are only simple
guidelines. Where in doubt, check the
broader context.
Third, not infrequently conditional
sentences are used rhetorically in a way that goes beyond the surface
structure. Hence, on one level the
structure might indicate one thing, but on another level, an entirely different
meaning is in view. For example,
suppose a mother says to her child, "If you put your hand in the fire,
you'll get burned." We could
analyze the condition on a structural or logical level. These ought not to be ignored. But the pragmatic meaning of the statement
is, “Don’t put your hand in the fire!” It
is, in effect, a polite command, couched in indirect language.
12:27-28 kai. eiv evgw. evn Beelzebou.l evkba,llw ta.
daimo,nia( oi` ui`oi. u`mw/n evn ti,ni evkba,llousin…
28 eiv
de. evn pneu,mati qeou/ evgw. evkba,llw ta. daimo,nia( a;ra e;fqasen evfV
u`ma/j h` basilei,a tou/ qeou/Å
“If I cast out demons by Beelzebul, by
whom do your sons cast them out?…(28)
But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of
God has come upon you.”
We have already seen that the particle
in v. 27 cannot be translated since.
But leaving it as a mere simple condition is not saying enough. The force is “If – and let’s
assume that it’s true for the sake of argument – I cast out demons by
Beelzebul, then by whom do your sons cast them out?… But if – assuming on the other hand
that this is true – I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom
of God has come upon you.” This
yields satisfactory results for both halves.
5:30 kai. eiv
h` dexia, sou cei.r skandali,zei se( e;kkoyon auvth.n kai. ba,le avpo. sou/\
sumfe,rei ga,r soi i[na avpo,lhtai e]n tw/n melw/n sou kai. mh. o[lon to.
sw/ma, sou eivj ge,ennan avpe,lqh|Å
“If your right hand offends you, cut it off
and throw it from you!”
Jesus often put forth a number of
challenges to current Jewish orthodoxy, such as that appendages and external
things are what defile a person.
Reading the text in light of that motif yields the following force: If
– and let us assume that this is true for argument's sake – your
right hand offends you, then cut it off and throw it from you!" The following line only enforces this
interpretation ("For it is better for you that one of your members
should perish than that your whole body should be cast into hell"). Jesus thus brings the Pharisees' view to its
logical conclusion. It is as if he
said, "If you really believe that your anatomy is the root of sin, then
start hacking off some body parts!
After all, wouldn't it be better to be called 'Lefty' in heaven than to
fry in hell as a whole person?”
The condition thus has a provocative
power seen in this light. Just the
opposite of Jesus' affirming that appendages cause sin (as many have assumed,
since a first class condition is used here), he is getting the audience to sift
through the inconsistency of their own position. It is not the hands and eyes that cause one to sin, but the
4:3 Ei=pen de. auvtw/| o` dia,boloj( Eiv ui`o.j ei= tou/
qeou/( eivpe. tw/| li,qw| tou,tw| i[na ge,nhtai a;rtojÅ
devil said to him, If you are God's Son, tell this stone to become bread."
The force of this is "If
– and let us assume that it's true for the sake of argument – you are
God's Son, tell this stone to become bread." Apparently, the devil was from Missouri (the "Show Me"
Thessalonians 4:14 eiv ga.r
pisteu,omen o[ti VIhsou/j avpe,qanen kai. avne,sth( ou[twj kai. o` qeo.j tou.j
koimhqe,ntaj dia. tou/ VIhsou/ a;xei su.n auvtw/|Å
“For if we believe that Jesus
died and rose again, even so God will bring with him those who are asleep
through Jesus.”
modem translations render the particle since. Although it is certainly true that Paul embraced this as
true, to translate it as since keeps the audience at an arm's
length. The sentence becomes a lecture
rather than a dialogue. By translating
it if, the audience is drawn into the argument of the apodosis. Their response would be something like,
"If we believe that Jesus died and rose again? Of course we believe that!
You mean that this indicates that the dead in Christ will not miss out
on the rapture?" In such instances it is not the protasis that is in
doubt, but the apodosis. (Further, to
say that the connection is merely logical hardly does such texts justice.) Not infrequently in the NT, the speaker
draws his audience to just such a connection, basing his argument on what both
speaker and audience already embrace as true.
These instances are not without exegetical significance. Cf., eg., Rom. 3:29, 30; 5:17; 2 Cor. 5:17;
Gal. 3:29; 4:7; 2 Tim. 2:11; Phlm. 17; Heb. 2:2-3; 1 Pet. 1:17; 2:2-3; 2 Pet.
2:4-9; 1 John 4:11; Rev. 13:9; 20:15.
8:9 u`mei/j de. ouvk evste. evn sarki. avlla. evn pneu,mati( ei;per
pneu/ma qeou/ oivkei/ evn u`mi/nÅ eiv de, tij pneu/ma Cristou/ ouvk e;cei(
ou-toj ouvk e;stin auvtou/Å
But you
are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God
dwells in you.
Here the
conditional particle is a spin-off of ei,,
strengthening the ascensive force. This
looks very much like 1 Thess. 4:14 – i.e., it too seems to be a “responsive”
condition. The audience would most
likely respond along these lines: “If the Spirit of God dwells in us? Of course He does! And this means that we are not in the flesh but in the
Spirit? Remarkable!”
conclusion, understanding first class conditions is crucial if one is to handle
the Word of God properly in an expository ministry. Sometimes our evangelical zeal is not according to
knowledge. The danger of this naiveté
is immense on both a behavioral and theological level. ¢
Used by permission
from author Daniel B Wallace. Daniel B. Wallace has taught Greek and
New Testament courses on a graduate school level since 1979. He has a Ph.D.
from Dallas Theological Seminary, and is currently professor of New Testament
Studies at his alma mater. He also has authored, Greek Grammar Beyond the
Basics: An Exegetical Syntax of the New Testament (Zondervan, 1996).
[1] This essay
is, in part, an excerpt from the salient points in my book, Greek Grammar
Beyond the Basics: An Exegical Syntax of the New Testament (Grand Rapids:
Zondervan, 1996) 679-712 passim.
[2] Grammarians
such as Gildersleeve, Roberts, Robertson, BDF, etc., have looked at
conditions in light of the mood used and have argued that the indicative mood
in first class conditions is significant.
But their language has often been misunderstood: “assumption of truth”
has been interrupted to mean “truth.”
3 Goodwin-Gulick,
Greek Grammar, 294 (§1400).
4 This
approach agrees that the indicative assumes the untruth of a proposition in the
second class condition (J. L. Boyer, "Second Class Conditions in New
Testament Greek," GTJ 3 (1982) 82: "they enjoy more
agreement on the part of the grammarians than the other types and are less
problem [sic] for the exegete”). To argue that the indicative
mood is a key indicator of meaning in one condition but not in the other argues
against the validity of the overall scheme.
5 Boyer argues
that the logical connection view fits "every one of the 300 NT examples
and are equally true of every one of them" ("First Class Conditions:
What Do They Mean?” GTJ 2 [1981] 82).
But this is a minimalist statement that could be said of all conditions
– first, second, third, or fourth class.
6 In Boyer's
treatment of conditions, he appeals to classical scholarship: "The
classical grammarians along with the older NT scholars had the right idea"
("First Class Conditions," 83). But this is a misleading statement,
for Boyer is appealing to a particular view within classical scholarship,
viz., Goodwin's, that was itself a reaction to the standard view that went back
to Gottfried Hermann. Gildersleeve took
Goodwin to task for his avant garde position and rightly criticized him for
ignoring the mood. Many if not most
classical scholars sided with Gildersleeve against Goodwin.
7 Although
many translations do this in various places as we have seen, such translations
miss the literary force of the conditional statement.
8 This usage could be considered one of the pragmatic functions of conditions. Because of the high frequency in the NT of this responsive or persuasive protasis with first class conditions, however, we are equally justified in placing this usage here.