He Hid Behind A Stove
Dr. Walter L. Wilson
A meeting was in progress in a small
country church, which was heated by a large stove at the back of the room near
the door. The stove was usually kept fairly hot during those cold days, so that
the visiting friends could not sit very near to it. One young man, however,
preferred to sit directly behind the stove where he would be hidden from the
Everett, for that was his name, was about
twenty- eight years of age. He was a well-built young man with a large shock of
curly hair. He was a bachelor and lived alone in a cottage just outside the
little town. He had a cow and some chickens, also a small garden, and by
selling the products of these, he was able to keep soul and body together.
Everett was not known for his
spirituality. He had the reputation around the village of being quite the
opposite in character ¾ rough, ungodly, and given to wicked practices.
The services in the little church
attracted quite a bit of attention in the neighborhood, and almost the whole
village was coming. This attracted our friend, and so he decided he would see
what was going on at the church. A number of his friends were coming and some
had been saved. All of them had been stirred, and the meetings were the talk of
the neighborhood. He therefore attended, but of course did not feel at home,
and so sat in an obscure place in the back of the church behind the stove.
As I gave the message, some portions would
be of unusual interest to him, and he would lean out from behind the stove to
see me. I was quick to take advantage of this and would say something
especially intended for him, but which was in connection with the message. He
would soon draw back out of sight and remain hidden for a while. This continued
throughout the meetings.
One night the subject of the message was
John 5:24 ¾ "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that
heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and
shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life." I
sought to make it clear to the audience that our manner of life revealed
whether we were dead in sins or whether we were alive in Christ. As I explained
the symptoms of a dead sinner, Everett became quite interested. His shock of
hair appeared frequently from behind the stove. He would listen a moment and
then pull his head back. Again in a few moments it would appear and then
disappear. I knew that something unusual was taking hold of his soul. I hoped
that he would come and speak to me at the close of the service.
At no time did Everett remain behind for a
personal conversation. He would bolt out of the door as soon as the message was
finished, and no one was able to stop him or converse with him. He kept out of
the path of the Christians during the day and avoided contacts with those who
could help him spiritually. He was naturally shy, but now he was far more so,
because of his soul trouble.
The following Sunday night, when I came to
the front of the church, imagine my great surprise to see Everett sitting on
the front seat, holding in his lap the largest Bible I had ever seen in the
hands of any person. It was a pulpit Bible, and an unusually large one. I
immediately went to him and said, "Everett, I cannot understand this
situation. Last Sunday you were behind the stove. Now you are on the front
seat. Last Sunday you had no Bible, now you have the largest Bible I have ever
seen in anyone's hands. What has happened that has caused this wonderful
His face glowed with joy as he told the
following story:
"Last Sunday night, I sat behind the stove,
listening to your sermon about Jesus making us alive. I had never heard
anything like that in my life. I knew something was wrong with me, but did not
know what it was. As you described the symptoms of a dead sinner, I saw right
away that you were talking about me. You said that the dead sinner did not care
for God, and certainly I never have. You said that the dead sinner did not
understand the Bible, and I know very well I never did. You said that the dead
sinner did not care whether others went to heaven or hell, and I never have
cared a bit where anybody went. You said that anyone that was dead in their
sins did not care very much whether they sinned or didn't , and I never have
cared ¾ really I loved to commit some sins. You certainly hit me right square
on the head when you told those symptoms.
"When you closed the service, I beat
it for home. I did not want to talk to anybody. I wanted to fight that thing
out and see if I could understand it and get it straightened out. When I
arrived at my little house, I lit my lantern, got out a little Testament that I
had, and tried to find the place that you preached about, but I could not find
that verse. I knew it was somewhere in John, and so I started reading from the
first verse in John until I found it. I never went to school very much, so I
cannot read very fast, and have to spell out some of the words. It was half
past two in the morning before I got to John 5:24, where I found the verse I
was looking for. I read the verse over and over again. I did not want to stay
dead and be lost. I wanted Jesus to save me.
"After reading it several times, I
got down on my knees and said, 'Jesus, God sent You to save me, and I am going
to let You do it. You said if I believed on You, I would have everlasting life,
and I do believe on You, and I am taking You for my Saviour right now. I am
going to be Your man and live for you, because You died for me.'
"After praying, I got a wonderful
peace in my heart, and I said to myself, 'If reading one verse will give so much
peace, reading more verses will give me more peace.'
"I sat down beside the lantern and
read on until I came to the verse that says that no man does anything in
secret, if he wants people to know him openly (John 7:4). I thought surely that
is right. So I took my lantern and started out to tell the folks.
"When I knocked at my neighbor's
house, he called out the window and wanted to know who was there. I told him it
was me and that Jesus had just saved me, and I wanted him to know it.
"He said, 'Oh, is that so?'
"And I went on to the next house. I
knocked at the door and pretty soon Jim stuck his head out upstairs and said,
'Who is down there?'
"And I said, 'It is Everett. Jesus
saved me a little while ago, and I want you to know about it. Goodbye.'
"I went all around the village, Dr.
Wilson, and told everybody in town, because I did not want Jesus to say that He
saved me in secret and I did not tell it openly."
This wonderful story of faith and
confession stirred my heart greatly. I rejoiced with him in the blessed
relationship he had found with Christ. Still, however, I could not understand
the secret of the big Bible, and so I asked him to tell me why he had such a
big book. He told me the following story:
"You see, Doctor, all I had at home
was a little Testament, and the print was not very good in it and the only
light I had was a lantern. I wanted a whole Bible, one that had the old Bible
in with the new Bible, so I could read it over. I wanted print big enough so I
could read faster when I did not have a very good light.
Monday morning I went over to the book
store in the next town, and I said to the book manager, 'Mr. Mack, I want to
buy a big Bible.'
"He brought me out a Bible like that
one you have that you preach out of, but I said, 'No, I do not want a little
Bible like that; I want a big Bible.'
"Then he brought me out a Bible that
had maps in it and a lot of writings about the Bible and a thumb index for
blind people to find the books, but I did not want that either, and I told him
"I told him that I wanted a great big
Bible, the biggest Bible he had in the store, so he brought out this one, and I
said, 'That is just what I want. Wrap it up for me.'
"Mack said, 'It will cost you
"I said, 'That is all right. I never
did buy a Bible, so I never spent any money on a Bible, and I might was well
spend a whole lot now.'
"He wrapped it up, and I paid him for
it, and started out of the door. Then he called me and said, 'Everett, I cannot
understand what you want with a Bible. Everybody around here knows that you
have not been a church member. You have always run with a tough bunch, and you
have kind of a bad reputation around here. How does it come that you want a
Bible and such a big one?'
"I was glad to tell Mack how that
Jesus had saved me, and now I was a Christian. I knew Christians ought to read
their Bibles and not be ashamed of it.
"I said to him, 'Mack, you are right.
Everybody knows that I have been a rough fellow and never cared anything for
the Bible, but now you see I belong to Jesus, and I want to carry a Bible
everywhere I go. Now if I only had my little Bible, the New Testament that I
have at home, I might be walking along the street with it, and I would see some
of the old gang coming up the street, and the devil would say, "Everett,
here comes the gang. Better put that Bible in your pocket." Mr. Mack, I
want a Bible I cannot get in my pocket. That is the reason I got this great big
one. The devil is not going to get me to hide a Bible in my pocket after Jesus
died for me and saved me.'
"And that is the reason, Dr. Wilson,
I have this big Bible. I want everybody to know that Everett has been converted
and loves the Bible, and wants everybody else to know and love it."
What a rebuke this new convert is to many
of you who know and love the Lord. May this incident lead each one to honor the
Scriptures more, to confess Christ better, and to be an out-and-out testimony
for the Saviour of men. ¢
Dr. Walter L. Wilson
(1881-1969) lived primarily in Kansas City, MO as a medical doctor, natural
scientist, salesman, businessman, author, pastor, school administrator, etc.
Led to a saving knowledge of Christ at the age of 15 through the ministry of a
Plymouth Brethren tent meeting, Dr. Wilson's master passion in life was
presenting the Gospel of grace to precious souls for whom Christ died.