by Pastor-teacher Dennis Rokser

Last January, we ventured into a new ministry that we believed was needed in the evangelical community. As the Grace Family Journal was launched, it was our desire to provide biblically-based, exegetically-accurate articles that would target the needs of believers in Christ at all stages of spiritual maturation. To do this, we planned to provide articles on a variety of subjects of interest to believers by various sound Bible teachers.

By God's grace, we have been privileged to publish articles this past year dealing with personal evangelism, the Gospel, Church history, pastoral concerns, kitchen table talks, salvation testimonies, voices from the past, ministry perspectives, exegetical commentary, local church matters, contemporary theological issues, book reviews, resolving difficult texts, Christian life truths, godly biographies, examining God's precious promises, prophetic issues, doctrinal synopsizes, etc. If God wills, we hope to send your way more of the same this year.

By God's good pleasure, we have seen our distribution grow to over 1200 copies a time; being sent to believers in 45 states in the U.S., along with the countries of Great Britain, Russia, Papua New Guinea, Republica de Panama, Canada, China and Mexico. Praise the Lord!

Thank you for your prayers, positive feedback, and financial support to make all this possible! And in order to keep straight each year's publication, we will be using a different color ink in printing.

So please pray for God's continued gracious blessing and undertaking for the Grace Family Journal, and don't hesitate to give us your feedback on the articles whether it be positive or wailing and gnashing of teeth. Thanks!

