(A Study on What the Word of God Teaches Concerning the RAPTURE)
Pt. 3
by George Zeller
1. Is
the term "rapture" found in the Bible?
and no. It is not found in the English
translation of the Bible (KJV), but it is derived from a Latin verb (rapere,
to snatch, seize) which was used in the Latin Bible to translate the Greek verb
"caught up" (harpazo) in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 — "Then we who are alive and remain shall be CAUGHT UP
[raptured] together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the
air. And thus we shall always be with
the Lord." It is very
interesting to see how this verb "caught up" is used in the
New Testament. Study the following
verses: Acts 8:39 ("caught away"), 2 Corinthians 12:2,4
("caught up"), Revelation 12:5 ("caught up"),
John 10:28-29 ("pluck out of"), etc.
2. Has a rapture-like event ever taken place in history?
on several occasions. Enoch was
suddenly removed from earth by God. God
took him (Gen. 5:21-24). Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven (2
Kings 2:11). Philip was raptured
(suddenly removed) from one place to another (Acts 8:39). Paul was raptured to the third heaven (2
Cor. 12:2,4). The Lord Jesus was
raptured to heaven at the ascension (Rev. 12:5). But that a whole generation of believers will suddenly be removed
from earth to heaven without seeing physical death is an event unprecedented in
the history of the world (compare 1 Cor.
3. What do people mean when they say "secret
is a common term used by men who deny the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the
Church. In what sense is the rapture a
secret? In 1 Corinthians 15:51 the
truth pertaining to the Rapture is called a "mystery." This
means that it was a truth that was unrevealed to men in previous ages. Moses, David, Isaiah and John the Baptist
knew nothing of the Rapture of the Church.
It was a secret or mystery that had not yet been revealed. However, a New Testament "mystery"
is something that was once hidden but now revealed. God has made it known to His saints and it is a secret no
more. Paul said, "I shew you a
mystery." If he showed it to
us, then it is no longer hidden. It is
clearly revealed to those who have ears to hear and eyes to see.
Rapture is also a secret event in the sense that it will occur suddenly and be
unannounced to the world. There will be
no forewarning. It will take place at
God's appointed time and it will take the world by surprise. It will be over before the world has time to
realize that it happened.
4. Will the Rapture be a "silent rapture"?
Christ calls His Church to Himself there will be sounds and noise
involved. "In a moment, in the
twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.
For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible,
and we shall be changed" (1 Cor. 15:52b). "For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a
shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead
in Christ shall rise first" (1 Thess.
much of this noise the unsaved will hear is not revealed in Scripture. The event will happen so suddenly and will
take place so quickly that it is probable that the only thing the unsaved will
notice is the sudden disappearance of those who are true believers. So it was in the case of Enoch. He was there and suddenly "he was
not; for God took him" (Gen. 5:24).
5. How quickly will the Rapture take place?
is answered in 1 Corinthians 15:52, "in a moment, in the twinkling of
an eye." The word
"moment" is interesting. It
is the Greek word "atom."
The word atom means "not cut, you cannot cut it
anymore." Suppose you were to keep
cutting up a pie into smaller and smaller pieces. If you had a knife sharp enough and small enough you could keep
cutting the pieces down to the point where you could not cut the pieces or
particles any smaller. We call this an
"atom." [However, we now know
that you can even cut atoms into smaller particles].
term "atom" is also used of time. We can cut time into years and into days and into hours and into
minutes and into seconds. An "atom
of time" is the smallest measurement of time (the point where you can't
cut time anymore). In English we might
call this a "split-second." How fast will the Rapture take place? In
a split second, in the twinkling of an eye.
If you blink, you will miss it!
6. As the Rapture takes place, what is the order of events?
is answered in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
God (in the Person of Christ) will come down from heaven and He will bring with
Him the souls of those "which sleep in Jesus," that is, who
have died in Christ (see verse 16 and verse 14).
those who have died in Christ will rise first (v. 16). Their bodies will be
raised from the graves.
those believers who are alive and remain unto the coming of Christ will be
caught up or raptured. Thus those who
have died in Christ and those who are alive when Christ returns will together
meet the Lord in the air, to be with Him forever (v. 17 and see John 14:3).
was the Rapture first revealed?
Rapture was not revealed until the Lord spoke the words "receive you to
Myself" found in John 14:1-3 on the night before He died on the
cross. Don't make the mistake of
looking for the Rapture in Matthew chapter 24.
His coming mentioned in Matthew chapter 24 is His coming to the earth
following the great Tribulation.
8. What about those who set dates for the Rapture?
Whisenant wrote a book entitled, 88 Reasons Why The Rapture Could Be In
1988. Of course, the Lord did not
come in 1988 so a new book might have been written: 89 Reasons Why the
Rapture Will Take Place in 1989. Someone
surmised that the added reason given in the new book could be this:
"Reason #89 — Because He did not come in 1988."
others have foolishly tried to set dates.
How unwise to try to announce that which God has chosen not to
reveal? God has not told us the time. He wants us to be ready always.
9. What
will happen to infants at the time of the Rapture?
best selling book Left Behind and the film by the same title depict all
infants and young children being removed and raptured from the earth, including
infants and children of unsaved people.
Mothers were running around in panic crying out, "Where is my
baby?", etc. But does the Bible
really teach this?
Rapture is when Christ comes to remove ("catch up" – 1 Thess.
4:16-17) the Church (all true believers) from earth. He will come to receive His bride and bring her to heaven. Thus, the Rapture is for those "in
Christ," those who are part of the body and bride of Christ.
are not saved and they are not in Christ; nor are they part of the Church. It would be wrong to point to a living
infant and say, "That baby is saved and has eternal life and his sins are
forgiven!" On the contrary, every baby is born in sin and every infant has
a wicked sin nature (Rom. 5:12, Psalm
51:5; Job 14:4; Psalm 58:3). Babies are
not saved and they do not possess eternal life. If this were true, then does this mean that when they get older
they become unsaved and forfeit eternal life? This is biblically absurd. It would also be absurd to say that all the
unsaved children around the world growing up in Hindu and Muslim and Buddhist
homes are part of the Church that is in Christ.
in mind that an infant that is a year old at the time of the Rapture will be
approximately 8 years old at the time when Christ returns to this earth to rule
and reign, and thus will be certainly old enough to make a responsible decision
for or against Christ at that time or even prior to that time.
or not Christ takes infants that belong to saved parents is not revealed in the
Scriptures, though it does seem reasonable to suppose that God would take such
infants instead of leaving them parentless and defenseless. One thing we do know for sure is that God
will do what is right (Gen. 18:25; Rom. 9:14). God is certainly
far more concerned for every infant and young child (saved or unsaved) than we
kind of concept of God does the Left Behind book and film convey to the
world when unsaved mothers are going around in deep panic crying, "Where’s
my baby?" It makes God look like a
kidnapper! This gives Reformed men and
others all the more reason to mock our "secret rapture theory" (as
they call it).
is important to realize that the issue under discussion is not what
happens to infants who die. Though it
is not our purpose here to defend the doctrine of infant salvation, yet we are
assured, based on Scripture, that they will be SAFE IN THE ARMS OF JESUS (see
the helpful book by Robert P. Lightner
entitled Heaven For Those Who Cannot Believe). The issue is this: What happens to infants that are alive at the
time of the Rapture? This is an entirely different question.
book LEFT BEHIND is a fictional book based on prophecy, but it does teach
doctrine. One of the very questionable
doctrines it teaches is that at the time of the Rapture pregnant women will
suddenly become un-pregnant (that is, the unborn babies will be taken in the
Rapture, leaving the unsaved mother many pounds lighter!). A rapture for embryos! The following is
found on pages 46-47 of the book LEFT BEHIND:
Most shocking to
Rayford was a woman in labor, about to go into the delivery room, who was
suddenly barren. Doctors delivered the
placenta. Her husband had caught the
disappearance of the fetus on tape. As
he videotaped her great belly and sweaty face, he asked questions. How did she feel? Then came the scream and the dropping of the camera, terrified
voices, running nurses, and the doctor.
CNN reran the footage in super slow motion, showing the woman going from
very pregnant to nearly flat stomached, as if she had instantaneously
delivered. "Now, watch with us
again," the newsman intoned, "and keep your eyes on the left edge of
your screen, where a nurse appears to be reading a printout from the fetal
heart monitor. There, see?" The
action stopped as the pregnant woman’s stomach deflated. "The nurse's uniform seems to still be
standing as if an invisible person is wearing it. She’s gone. Half a second
later, watch." The tape moved ahead and stopped. "The uniform, stockings and all, are in a pile atop her
shoes." Etc.
to this teaching, after the Rapture there will be a period of nine months when
no babies will be born anywhere in the world (the only exception being some
babies conceived after the Rapture that may be born pre-mature)! Maternity wards in hospitals will be empty
for months! Later in the book there is
an argument between Rayford and his flight attendant, Hattie, about Hattie's
sister who is out of work because she worked at an abortion clinic and there
simply aren’t any abortions to be performed.
In summary, the film and book teach that at the time of the Rapture all
infants on earth are raptured and taken to heaven including all unborn
Tribulation is a period of time when God’s wrath will be put on display. It will be the most severe period of
judgment the world has ever known. It
will be similar to the plagues that fell on Egypt, only on a world-wide scale
and more severe. It is helpful to think
back through history on other occasions when God’s judgment fell in order to
see what happened to infants.
it unthinkable that God should expose helpless infants to a terrible time of
judgment? What about the babies in
Jericho? Were they supernaturally
delivered? What about the children of
the kingdom of Bashan and the children of the kingdom of Heshbon (see
Deut. 3:6)? In Egypt the firstborn of each household was slain from the
palace of Pharoah and on down. In
Bethlehem God allowed babies to be slain due to Herod’s jealous rage (Matthew
often in Scripture and in life bear the consequences of their parents’
unbelief. Is this principle going to be
overthrown at the Rapture? Unsaved moms going around and saying, "Where is
my baby?" eliminates one of the horrors of that time of judgment—having
your children suffer with you throughout that period. It undercuts one important reason to be saved—that is, for the
sake of our children and other family members (Acts 16:31; 2:39; 1 Cor. 7:14,
etc.). Was not one of the rich man’s
worst torments in Hell (Hades) the fact that his brothers were going to join
him (see Luke 16:27-31)? One of the greatest reasons to be saved is for the
sake of family and friends that we may influence, that they may save themselves
from this wicked generation. Cornelius
is to be the example of us all, who called together his kinsman and friends to
hear the Gospel (Acts10:24).
Why would God deliver infants and
unborn of the unsaved just prior to the first half of the tribulation, which is
much milder, and have other infants suffer in the last half which is more
severe (Luke 21:23)? Why would God
allow pregnant women to be ripped up in other historical judgments and do
extraordinary things to avoid it in this last one (2 Kings 8:12; 2 Kings 15:16;
Hosea 13:16; Amos 1:13; Isa. 13:15-18)?
See also Deuteronomy 28:54-56 and Lamentations 2:20 for other examples of
children suffering (being literally devoured) in historical judgments.
The fact that people have experienced
historical judgment does not automatically mean they have come under
damnation. Moses is the classic
refutation of this. He came under historical
judgment which involved death, but certainly he was a saved man (Hebrews 11:
24-26; Matt. 17:3-4). Are we to believe that all the infants that
drowned in the flood are in Hell because they experienced an historical
judgment? Certainly not.
Those who advocate that all babies
throughout the world will be raptured might reason in this way: Since infant
salvation is true, then an infant rapture must also be true. The rapture of infants of the unsaved is a
very bold extrapolation on no biblical grounds and seems an unwarranted
sensationalist device for creating a dramatic effect in a book or film. The real horror is not babies disappearing,
but remaining to grow up in those awful times.
"Woe unto them with child and to them that give suck in those
days" (Matthew 24:19).
Consider the message our Lord gave to
the women of Jerusalem who were bewailing Him on His way to the cross.
of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your
children. For, behold, the days are
coming, in the which they shall say,
Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps which
never gave suck. Then shall they begin
to say to the mountains, Fall on us; and to the hills, Cover us [compare
Hosea 10:8 and Rev. 6:16]. For if they do these things in a green
tree, what shall be done in the dry? (Luke 23:28-31).
If what God has done in the past is a
indication of what He will do in the last great historical judgment, then this
passage has great bearing. Children
suffered greatly in the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD which is a prototype
of the last great judgment.
"But woe unto them that are with
child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great
distress in the land, and wrath upon this people (Luke 21:23). This passage is significant because Luke seems to connect the
sufferings in 70AD with end time events in the future at the return of
Christ. The future Tribulation will be
a time of special suffering for those who are pregnant and for those who have
small children who are nursing.
The days of Noah are parallel to the
days just prior to Christ’s coming to earth (Luke 17:26; Matt. 24:36ff).
Certainly the unsaved babies of Noah’s day did not escape the terrible
judgment that came upon the entire world (and the fetuses did not escape
either). They all drowned. I am not commenting on the eternal destiny
of any of these children, but the historical judgments in this life certainly
are experienced by them. Why would the
judgments of the tribulation be any different than those of the past?
It seems far more in line with biblical
teaching to suggest that infants of unsaved parents at the time of the Rapture
will enter the Tribulation along with their parents, and with their parents
will face whatever those frightful days will bring. If an infant should suffer physical death during the horrors of
the Tribulation period, God will take care of this person based on His abundant
mercy and the work of Christ on the cross.
The benefits of Christ’s cross-work (justification, etc.) are applied to
this person at the time of death and not before.
10. If a person rejects Christ before the Rapture can he be
saved after the Rapture?
are some who teach that those who do not get saved prior to the Rapture have no
hope of being saved after the Rapture.
This view is based upon a misunderstanding of 2 Thess. 2:10-12:
"And with all
deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received
not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they
should believe a lie: That they all might
be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in
understand this passage to mean that if a person rejects the truth prior to the
Rapture, he will be deluded and unable to believe following the Rapture. Who then will be saved during the
Tribulation? They teach that those
saved during the Tribulation will be only those who never heard the Gospel
prior to the Rapture.
does the passage really teach? These
verses in 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 are not talking about people who reject the
truth before the Rapture. They
are referring to people who reject the truth during the
Tribulation. These are people who
willfully decide to follow the devil's man (see the context of 2 Thess.
2:3-9). These are people who reject the
truth and receive the LIE that “the man of sin” is to be honored as God
and worshiped. These are those who
deliberately choose to take the mark of the beast and worship this evil
man. According to Revelation 14:9-11,
those who take the mark cannot be saved.
Their destiny is Hell. Thus, during
the Tribulation, those who willfully identify with the devil's man are doomed
and damned (2 Thess. 2:12). In
that day the issue will be very clear: worship God (Rev. 14:6-7) or worship the
devil's man (Rev. 14:9-11). One's choice will determine one's eternal
a person refuses to believe on Christ prior to the Rapture, there is still hope
that he will trust Christ after the Rapture.
His earlier rejection was not final and not fatal. God still reaches out to men in grace during
the Tribulation. However, it is always
dangerous to reject the truth, no matter when you live. The time to be saved is today, not
tomorrow. If a person refuses to be
saved today, what guarantee does he have that he will be willing to be saved in
the future?
a person refuses to trust Christ today when it is easy (for many, little or no
persecution), why should this person be willing to trust Christ tomorrow when
it will be very difficult (great persecution for believers during the
Tribulation). Those who reject the
Gospel today are in danger of rejecting the Gospel tomorrow. The person who rejects the Gospel before the
Rapture could very well be one of those who will worship the man of sin during
the Tribulation. Those who are
unbelievers today will probably be unbelievers tomorrow.
can certainly save a person who at one time strongly rejected the truth. Remember Saul of Tarsus. Remember how you yourself once rejected the
truth before you were saved! During the Tribulation, God will be willing and
able to save all those who will turn to Him.
The same is true today:
"Therefore He
is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since
He always lives to make intercession for them"
(Heb. 7:25).
time to believe in Christ alone is now.
"Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of
salvation" (2 Cor. 6:2). It is
never safe to delay such a decision.
The time to be saved is now, prior to the Rapture.
summed up the duty of man regardless of what dispensation he lives in:
"Seek ye the
LORD while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near: Let the wicked forsake his way,
and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and He
will have mercy upon Him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon"
(Isaiah 55:6-7).
As taught by our Lord (John
14:1-3) |
As taught by Paul |
Comforting Words
"Let not your heart be
troubled." |
"Comfort one another
with these words." |
Necessity of Personal Faith |
"Ye believe in God,
believe also in Me." |
"If we believe that
Jesus died and rose again, even them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring
with Him." |
Can Take Christ at His Word |
"If it were not so, I
would have told you." |
"This we say unto you by
the Word of the Lord." |
Promise of His Coming |
"I will come
again." |
"The Lord Himself shall
descend from Heaven." |
Remarkable Removal from Earth |
"and receive you unto
Myself." |
"We...shall be caught
up... to meet the Lord in the
air." |
Forever Present with the Lord
"That where I am, there
ye may be also." |
"and so shall we ever be
with the Lord." g |
Adapted from God's Prophecies For
Plain People, William L.
Pettingill (Philadelphia School of the Bible, 1923), pages 22-23.
George Zeller is serving
the Lord as the Assistant Pastor of Middletown (CT.) Bible Church, and has
written numerous articles, pamphlets, and books.