by Dr. Walter Wilson
A special meeting was in
progress at the Memorial Church, and a great interest had been shown on the
part of both the saved and the unsaved in the messages which were being given. One evening, as I came to the church just
before the service was to begin, the head usher addressed me at the door and
said that an old gentleman, sitting near the front, would like to have a
personal conversation before the preaching began.
The usher led me down to the
third seat from the front, where I found a tall, straight figure, a man about
eighty-one years of age. His solemn
face told of the turmoil going on within his heart. The gray hairs and the wrinkles told of a long life of hard
labor. He asked for a personal
interview immediately, stating: This
matter is too important to delay until the close of the service. I would like to talk with you right now.
Taking the old gentleman by the
arm, we went into one of the Sunday school rooms to be alone. The pastor opened the meeting and continued
until I was free to come to the platform.
Sitting down, I said to him, What
is your name, and what is your occupation? Giving his name, he added that for thirty-five years he had been
the engineer of a fast passenger train on the Santa Fe running out of Kansas
Has the Lord Jesus saved you
yet? I inquired, or would
you like to be?
The tears coursed down his
cheeks as he replied: I have
attended all of your services here and have not been able to sleep or rest,
because I realize that the years of my life have been spent for the devil, and
I am not ready to die. Will the Lord
Jesus save a wicked old man?
What a joy it was to see the
work of the Holy Spirit, convicting this friend of his sinfulness and his need
of the Saviour. He was deeply in
earnest and had prayed that he might know that his sins were forgiven. Opening my Bible to Luke 19:10, we read together: The Son of man is come to seek and to
save that which was lost. We next
read 1 Timothy 1:15, This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all
acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
You will see from this, my
friend, I said, that the Lord Jesus Christ wants to save you. He has come to do it, He is ready to do it,
and He has done all the necessary work at Calvary in order that He may save you.
Because the Lord Jesus must
save you in a righteous way, Mr. E--, it was necessary for Him to go to Calvary
and suffer for your sins paying your debt.
He did this fully for you, as He says in 1 Peter 2:24, Who his own self
bare our sins in his own body on the tree.
Tell me, Mr. E--, I
continued, Did you ever run past a red semaphore along the right-of-way?
He raised himself up straight as an arrow, looked down upon me from his six feet four inches in height, and said with pride: Young man, I never did. Do you think that the Santa Fe would have kept me in their service on a crack passenger train for thirty-five years if I had ever done such a foolish thing? I never did!
No, Mr. E--, I am quite sure
they would not, and I can well believe that you were a faithful and dependable
engineer, following out the rules of the road.
Have you been as careful with God as you were with the Santa Fe? He, too, has a semaphore, which He erected
along your pathway to eternity. His
semaphore has two arms on it. It is the
Cross of Christ, and is red with the blood of the Saviour. You have perhaps been running past this
danger signal all of your life. You
knew it was there, but perhaps you didnt care. You knew you should stop, but perhaps you were too busy too
occupied with other things.
By this time Mr. E-- was in deep
meditation. He sat thinking of his
relationship to this Saviour and of his neglect through his long life of the
One who would have saved him, kept him, and made him fruitful. Since he did not reply to my question, I
said to him further: Will you, just
now, stop at the Cross where Jesus died and think of His love for you when He
paid the penalty for your sins? He is
now in heaven seated on the throne, watching and waiting to see what you will
do with Him, and waiting for you to trust Him.
He is not on the Cross now, He is on the throne, and wants you to trust
Him, believe in Him, and accept Him. If
you will, just now, commit your case, your cause, your sins and yourself to
that lovely Saviour, He will make you His own child and will blot out every sin.
The engineer arose from his
seat, knelt beside the chair, and said with sobs: Lord Jesus, I believe in you; I want to stop right now beside
your Cross and accept you. You died for
me and you live for me, and I trust you with my soul.
I, too, prayed with deep
thanksgiving, and worshipped the God of heaven who had brought another wanderer
to the fold and pardoned him in the sunset of life. As we came from the little room into the church auditorium, the
audience saw the radiance of his face.
The wife arose to embrace him with a new joy in her heart.
You, too, my friend, may Stop,
Look, and Listen at the Cross of Calvary, then turn to Christ in glory and
make Him your own Lord and Saviour.
Will you do it now? g
Dr. Walter L. Wilson (1881-1969) lived primarily in Kansas City, MO, as a medical doctor, natural scientist, salesman, businessman, author, pastor, school administrator, etc. Led to a saving knowledge of Christ at the age of 15 through the ministry of a Plymouth Brethren tent meeting, Dr. Wilson's master passion in life was presenting the Gospel of grace to precious souls for whom Christ died.