by Lydia M. Erb


1.      The more we trust, the less we worry — the more we worry, the less we trust.

2.      The Bible is like a compass, but it can’t help you if you don’t believe it.

3.      Christ is preparing Heaven for the believers, and He is preparing believers for Heaven.

4.      Believing Christ died, that’s history — Believing Christ died for me, that’s salvation.

5.      Salvation is not try, but trust — not do, but done.

6.      Heaven’s joys outweigh earth’s sorrows.

7.      If you have everything but Christ, you have nothing — If you have nothing but Christ, you have everything.

8.      Other books can inform us, but only God’s Word can transform us.

9.      Don’t try to be better to receive salvation —Receive salvation to be better.

10.     Christ paid a debt He didn’t owe, because we had a debt we couldn’t pay.

11.     Christ could come at any time, so we should be ready all the time.

12.     We must sow if we expect to reap — and we will reap what we sow.

13.     Through prayer, we talk to God — Through the Bible, God talks to us.

14.     Fools twist God’s grace to live as they please — the wise trust God’s grace and live to please God.

15.     Man’s way leads to a hopeless end.  God’s way leads to an endless hope.

16.     We don’t need more to be thankful for.  We need to be more thankful.

17.     If you’re in step with the world, you’re out of step with Christ.

18.     We must know in order to believe, and we must believe in order to know.

19.     Salvation is a free gift, but you must accept it to make it yours. 

20.     We are saved not by our works for God, but by God’s work for us.

21.     Christ says to every unsaved sinner, “Come,” and to every saved sinner, “Go.”

22.     The more we read God’s Word, the more we will love the author.

23.     The Bible doesn’t tell us exactly where Heaven is, but it tells us how to get there.

24.     Christ chose to die, so that we could choose to live.

25.     The Son of God became the Son of Man, so that the sons of men could become the sons of God.

26.     Christ’s appearance will change the Christian’s appearance.

27.     Believers are not sinless, but they should sin less.

28.     It takes only a moment to be born-again, but it takes a lifetime to grow up.

29.     It’s never too early to trust in Christ, but at any moment, it could be too late.

30.     Christ died among sinners, so we could live among saints.

31.     God’s grace provides freedom from sin, not freedom to sin.

32.     When we worry, we don’t trust.  When we trust, we don’t worry.

33.     God chooses what we go through — we choose how we go through it.

34.     Christ died to save us, and He lives to keep us.

35.     It’s better to read a little and think a lot than to read a lot and think a little.

36.     God can make your load lighter or your back stronger.

37.     If you believe as you should, don’t behave as you shouldn’t.

38.     The law condemns us, but faith in Christ saves us.

39.     Salvation is the work of God for man — not the work of man for God.

40.     No God — no peace.  Know God — Know peace.

41.     We may not always have the gifts, but we always have the Giver.

42.     Christ can calm the storms around us — and the storms inside us.

43.     Christ took our sins, so we could have His righteousness.

44.     The world crowns success, but God crowns faithfulness.

45.     If you don’t know, you don’t go!

46.     The birth of Christ brought God to people —the death of Christ brings people to God.

47.     Never stop forgiving others until Christ stops forgiving you.

48.     The re-birth of a soul is a miracle of a moment — the growth of a saint is the work of a lifetime.

49.     Your life is God’s gift to you.   What you do with it is your gift to God.

50.     We are saved by God’s mercy, not by our merit — by Christ’s dying, not by our doing.

51.     If you want to feel rich, think of all the things that money can’t buy!

52.     Don’t just count the days, make the days count!

53.     Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian, just as going to the zoo doesn’t make you an elephant!

54.     If you live without Christ, you’ll die without hope.

55.     Today’s idols are more apt to be in the self, than on the shelf.

56.     It would be better to go to Heaven alone than to go to hell with the crowd.

57.     Other books can informs us, but only God’s Word can transform us.

58.     If you’re born once, you’ll die twice — If you’re born twice, you’ll die once.

59.     Reading and obeying the Bible will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from reading and obeying the Bible.

60.     The Christian must live in the world, but he should not let the world live in him.

61.     The world says seeing is believing, but the Bible says believing is seeing.

62.     Christ believed is salvation received.

63.     Don’t complain because you don’t get everything you want — Be thankful you don’t get everything you deserve!

64.     Admitting your sins can never take the place of quitting your sins.

65.     It would be better never to be born, than never to be born again.

66.     Some people try to whitewash sin, but only Christ can wash sins white.

67.     The Bible is like a compass — it always points us in the right direction.

68.     Discontentment makes rich people poor —contentment makes poor people rich.

69.     It’s easy to go with the crowd — It takes courage to stand alone.

70.     It’s not what you have in your pocket that makes you rich — It’s what you have in your heart.

71.     It’s not the hours you put in that count — it’s what you put into the hours.

72.     A well-read Bible is the sign of a well-fed soul.

73.     Christ was delivered for our sins so we could be delivered from our sins.

74.     The Bible is the only Book that is eternal.

75.     Don’t just read the Bible — believe it and obey it.

76.     You can’t break God’s promises by leaning on them.

77.     The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord — and so are his stops.

78.     There are many ways to earthly cities — but there is only one way to heaven.

79.     Don’t try to change the Bible — Let the Bible change you.

80.     An ounce of know-so is worth more than a ton of hope-so!

81.     Some Christians tremble on the Rock of their salvation, but the Rock of their salvation never trembles under them.

82.     It’s good to be saved and know it — It’s better to be saved and show it.

83.     The Christian on his knees can see more than an unsaved man on his tiptoes.

84.     If you live to please the eyes of God, you won’t fear the lips of men.

85.     If you stay close to the Lord, there won’t be room for the devil to get in between.

86.     Sunset in one land is sunrise in another.

87.     God owes us nothing, but gives us everything.

88.     Don’t grumble about the troubles you think you have — Be thankful for the troubles you don’t have.

89.     If you love the Lord, you should hate evil.

90.     Sin delights us because sin deceives us.

91.     The Bible tells us to be swift to hear and slow to speak — but too often we are slow to hear and swift to speak.

92.     It doesn’t matter where you live, as long as you live where you are.

93.     Don’t deny with your life what you say with your lips.

94.     Our problems are opportunities for God’s solutions.

95.     We sow the seed, but God brings the harvest.

96.     Sin brings pleasure when we sow it, but sin brings pain when we reap.

97.     Trials are sent to develop us — not to discourage us.

98.     What God knows about us is more important than what people think about us.

99.     The good news is not that Jesus lived and died, but that Jesus died and lives!

100.    God’s laws show us a need that only God’s grace can supply.

101.    All the faithful are saints, but not all saints are faithful.

102.    The contented person is rich no matter how little he has — the discontented person is poor no matter how much he has.

103.    You can pray while you work, and you can work while you pray.

104.    You need to know the Bible to know the God of the Bible.

105.  If you give sin an inch, it will take a mile!

106.  God speaks through His word — Wise people listen! g