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   2005 Ladies Retreat

GUEST SPEAKER: Carol Helland

Carol Helland is a speaker and writer of numerous women’s devotional messages including Beyond the Garden, A Christian Woman’s Pilgrimage, and A Prepared Path.  She has shared her faith and communicated Biblical truth at women’s devotions and ladies’ retreats for over 20 years.  Carol was saved in 1972 when a college roommate told her that “salvation is not something you do, but something Christ does when you receive Him.”  But as many as received Him, to them He gave power to become the sons of God, even to them who believe on His name.  (John 1:12)


Carol makes her home in Aurora, Minnesota, with her husband, Barry; they attend Heritage Trail Bible Church.  Carol and Barry have three children and one grandchild.  A graduate of Winona State University and The College of St. Scholastica, she teaches English at Mesabi Range Community & Technical College and the Grace Institute of Biblical Studies (GIBS).



2005 Ladies’ Retreat
General Session Message


Ultimate Makeover:

Becoming Conformed to the Image of Christ


Today, women have unreal expectations placed on them by a society that glorifies youth and external beauty. In contrast, Scripture teaches that real beauty in the sight of God comes from the heart.


Our spiritual makeover begins when we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior; however, becoming conformed to the image of Christ takes the rest of our lives.


In Carol’s messages, she will explore two purposes in God’s plan: our good and His glory. Ultimate Makeover will offer not only a few good laughs, but it will also help you, whatever your circumstances, to appreciate God’s perfect plan for your life: to make you like Jesus Christ.


--I Peter 3: 3-5


Cost / Registration

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