Grace Family Journal

Equipping Believers Via the Local Church For the Work of the Ministry


January / February 

"Let's Preach the Gospel" Pt. 1 by Dennis Rokser

"Justification By Faith and its Historical Challenges" Pt. 1 by Ron Merryman

"The Local Church Advantage" by John Whitcomb

"A Summary of Romans 1-5" by Chester McCalley

"The Emmaus Road Message" by John R. Cross

"Preaching the Gospel in Accuracy" by Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer


 March / April 

"Let's Preach The Gospel" Pt. 2 by Dennis Rokser

"Justification By Faith and its Historical Challenges" Pt. 2 by Ron Merryman

The Three Tenses of Salvation

"Living By Faith" by John White

"God's Grace To An Ignorant Intellectual" by Kurt Witzig's Testimony

"Commentary On Romans 6:1 & 2" by Chester McCalley


May / June 

"Let's Preach The Gospel" Pt. 3 by Dennis Rokser

"Justification By Faith & Its Historical Challenges" Part 2 (cont.) by Ron Merryman

"Vacation Bible School, Then and Now" by Lydia Erb

Revelation 3:20 by Dennis Rokser

"5 Reasons To Believe The Bible Is The Word Of God" by Dennis Rokser

"The Most Important Question You Could Ever Answer" (Acts 16:31) by Tom Gustafson

"He Hid Behind The Stove" by Dr. Walter Wilson


July / August

"Let's Preach the Gospel" Pt. 4 by Dennis Rokser

"Justification By Faith and its Historical Challenges" Pt. 3 by Ron Merryman

"By The Power Of God" by J.F. Strombeck

"Acts 2:38" by Ron Merryman

"God's Grace To A Roman Catholic" by Tom Stegall

"7 Baptism of the Bible"

An article titled "Was There A Reformation?" is better viewed as a hard copy.


September / October

Tribute To Pastor Leonard A. Radtke by Dennis Rokser

The Church - God's Masterpiece by Dennis Rokser

Justification By Faith & Its Historical Challenges Pt. 3 cont. by Ron Merryman

Pastor Leonard A. Radtke Bibliography by Carol Helland

Pastor Leonard A. Radtke Sayings

Eternal Security by Pastor Leonard A. Radtke

A Sunday School Perspective by Darrell Patterson

The Stranger On the Road To Emmaus (Book Review) by Peter Tranvik

Nothing Between the Saviour and the Sinner by James H. Brookes


November / December

The Church: God's Masterpiece Pt 2 by Dennis Rokser


Justification By Faith and Its Historical Challenges Pt. 4 by Ron Merryman

Why Should Every Believer Live Their Life For Jesus Christ?

The Believer's Freedom In Christ by Dr. Renald E. Showers

Why Must Jesus Christ Come Again?

Epaphras: The Service Of Prayer

None But The Hungry Heart #1

Another Gospel? by Dr. Harry A. Ironside

The Text Of Scripture: Which Text? by Ron Merryman


Some of the formatting, charts, and diagrams were lost when converting to the articles into html. You may write to us at Duluth Bible Church, 201 W. St. Andrews St., Duluth, MN 55803 or email us at for a hardcopy of these articles.