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If you have placed your faith in Christ alone, and you were to die tonight, do you know for certain that you would go to heaven?

Jesus said:


Most assuredly I say unto you: He that hears My Word and believes on Him that sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but has passed from death into life. John 5:24


Most assuredly I say unto you...


He that hears My word...


And believes on Him that sent me...


Has everlasting life...


And shall not come into condemnation...


But has passed from death into life...

How certain of this was Jesus?


Have you heard the Words of Christ in the pages of this book?


Do you believe that God sent Jesus to die in you place?


Does this say that you will receive it later or that you already have it?


Does the Bible say "might not" or "shall not"?


At what moment does one pass from death into life?


According to this verse, how can you be sure that you have truly been saved?  Choose 1 or more that you think is true:


q You can be sure that you have truly been saved if your life begins to change, showing that God has really come into your life.


q You can be sure that you have truly been saved if many years from now you are still walking with Christ.


q You can be sure that you have truly been saved if you bear the fruit of good works.


q You can be sure that you have truly been saved if you heard the Gospel and believed it.


(Also see 1 John 5:10-13.)


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