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Man has always sought a way to cross the barrier that separates him from God. He has tried to break through it by baptism, good works, loving your neighbor, sacraments, joining some particular church or denomination, etc. But the Bible teaches that no work of sinful man can ever tear down the barrier of sin that separates Holy God from sinful man.

The Bible says:

But we are like an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are as filthy rags. Isaiah 64:6

To attempt to wash away your sins through your own works is as hopeless as trying to wash a dirty face using a dirty greasy rag! There is absolutely nothing that man can do to erase his sins and cross the barrier that separates him from God. (Also see Haggai 2:12-14; Luke 18:10-14; Romans 3:20; 3:27-38; 4:5; Galatians 3:10-11, 21)

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