To understand the good news of how the relationship between God and man must
be restored, one must first understand how that relationship fell into ruin.
The Word of God teaches us:
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.
Romans 3:23
We were dead in sins... Ephesians 2:5
God is holy (spiritually clean) and man is sinful (spiritually unclean).
Just as a person who was physically clean could not tolerate being next to a
dead, decaying, stinking animal, so a perfect and holy God cannot allow a
sinful and imperfect man into His presence. Man is dead in his
The word "Gospel" means "good news." It
is the good news of how you can have a loving, personal relationship with
God that gives meaning and purpose to this life, and, at the same time,
gives you the certainty that you will spend eternity with Him in heaven.
Many people today claim
that they are preaching the Gospel, yet they all seem to have different
messages. |